Good Morning Monday! Another busy week and a cover reveal…

Well, rarely does a week go by when I’m not busy, but damn… I’m beginning to think I need a new word for busy!

Remember a few weeks ago I mentioned a story I was going to put on my website in small chapters posted daily?  Well, I’ve been playing with that manuscript and really just think the best way to post it would to just upload the whole bloody thing in one go. The story is a “drabble” which is told in 100 word chapters, and for me to post each one individually at the same time every day would just be a whopping pain in the butt. Well, not the posting of the chapters, but rather how the reader would read it when WordPress will update each chapter on it’s own separate page, and last chapter first – it’s just a mess for me to post, and a nightmare for a reader to read/follow. So I do believe just posting it in one go is best.

There were originally two parts to this story, and combining them into one makes it approx. 21,000 words. I have a cover for it now (which is gorgeous, btw) but I still have more fixing to do, then editing of course. So it’s a little while away yet, and while I still haven’t exactly figured out how I’ll release it, it’s definitely happening 🙂

I’ve also been going over an old story I’ve had on my laptop forever. It started its life as a fanfic but I’ve re-written most of it, changed it, fixed it. It was a helluva mess (a sure sign that my abilities as a writer has improved, I hope!) It was also written in third person omni POV, which is weird. I don’t know why I wrote it like that all those years ago LOL. But to change this story to third person alternating POV wouldn’t work (not without basically scrapping it and starting again – which I’d rather not do) BUT it’s also a male/female story! *gasp/shock/horror* so my loyalist m/m readers who don’t delve into m/f anymore might want to give it a miss. It’s a 30K romance/action kind of story.

I sent it off to some beta/critique readers to see if it works, or to see if I should just scrap it altogether. I’ll be sure to keep you posted.


For any readers who prefer not to buy from Amazon, The Weight of It All is now out of KU and is now available at the following stores:

iBooks soon – they’re being very slow…



Production of Red Dirt Heart 3 in audio is underway, with the audio of Cronin’s Key II due out on the first of August! Spencer Cohen 2 (Italian translation) is out on July 28.


As promised, I have the cover to Yanni’s Story to share with you! You may have seen it shown at LoveBytes Review blog over the weekend, but in case you haven’t, here is what I had to say:

“Yanni’s Story is a 120K word story that took me by surprise. I always knew Yanni, from the Spencer Cohen Series, would get his own story. In case you can’t place him, in Book 2 of the Spencer Cohen Series, Yanni’s the poor guy that Spencer is hired to track down only to find out the ex-boyfriend was abusive, and poor Yanni is terrified. Spencer and Andrew take Yanni to Andrew’s parents’ house and toward the end of Book 3 of the Spencer Series, we learn that Yanni is much happier. Well, this is why it’s called Yanni’s Story – because it’s exactly what it is.

Now, about the cover…  Matching covers to a completed series is never easy. Especially when the series has the MC on the cover! The Spencer Cohen Series covers are very distinct, to say the least. And adding a new cover for a character that wasn’t Spencer was never going to be easy.

I needed something that was similar, that would look part of the series, but keep Yanni’s identity. Spencer’s covers, with the leaves and the primary colours, are totally Spencer. And after searching and searching, I found the right picture for Yanni and made up a mock cover of my idea. With some help from Sara York, who takes my mock covers and makes them better, we have the perfect addition to the Spencer Cohen series.


When Yanni Tomaras is kicked out of his family home, his parents’ final words are religious insults and an order to never return. Homeless and desperate, he’s lured in by Lance, charming on the outside, an evil predator underneath, who abuses him until he finds the courage to leave.

After years of being trapped, Yanni should feel free, but by the time Spencer Cohen finds him, he’s resigned to being handed back to Lance, and once again being caged by fear.

Starting school and a part-time job, Yanni starts to reclaim his life. But a love for silent films leads him to Peter Hannikov, a man twice his age with a kind heart, and an unlikely friendship between them blooms into so much more. Neither man knows what he wants, at first. Finding out exactly what he needs is Yanni’s story.

“I’d spent years as a bird, caged with my wings clipped, tormented and beaten.

I thought I’d escaped when I’d left my abuser, but in hindsight I could see that I was still caged, this time by fear and self-doubt.

Spencer and Andrew, and Andrew’s parents, opened the door to the cage that confined me.

But it was Peter who taught me how to fly.”

Until next week… <3